Kee Tas Kee Now
ISETPIndigenous Skills & Employment Training Program – (ISETP)
The objective of the program is to increase member participation in the local labour market, ensuring that First Nations people are engaged in sustainable, meaningful employment. This will be achieved by strengthening skills and employability, as well as continuing to facilitate flexible programming that meets the unique and varied needs of our Nations and employers. Our ISETP will also enhance labour market efficiencies by providing employers with the skilled workers they need.
We will assist in the following:
Career Decision Assessments
Is an assessment of the skills demonstrated by the client to make an informed career choice. This will include;
- Career Research and Exploration,
- Diagnostic Testing,
- Employment Counselling.
Skill Enhancement
Provide clients with the skills and qualification that are needed to enter and perform in a chosen occupation by enrolling them in the appropriate training or education program.
Eligible Programs;
- Essential Skills and Personal Development,
- Occupational Skills Diploma and Certificate programs,
- Apprenticeships and Safety Training,
- Work Experience,
- Wage Subsidies,
- Job Creation Partnerships,
- And Self Employment.
Job Search
Assists clients by providing the tools, skills, information they need to obtain employment. This includes;
- Client self-use of the internet, phones, fax machines, printers, job boards etc.…
- Work equipment and clothing,
- Assistance with Resumes and cover letters,
- Interview Skills,
- Online applications.
Employment Maintenance
We assist clients with barriers in maintaining current positions and/or clients who are unemployed in obtaining meaningful employment. This includes;
- Employment Retention supports,
- Referral to Agencies.
Eligible Training and Educational Programs
- All training and education programs must be part of a client’s action plan outlined by the ISET Program coordinator
- The following training may be eligible for sponsorship, pre-employment training, skills training, and workforce training
- Kee Tas Kee Now asks that the training be cost – effective
- Training must be offered by an accredited institution or instructor
- Training must lead to long term meaningful employment
Eligibility Criteria
- Be First Nations
- Be a resident or have KTC’s geographical area as the closest to the client’s residence
- Be unemployed or under-employed (unable to support themselves with current income from employment), or employment threatened (require training to maintain employment)
- Be preparing for and/or entering an occupation where there is a reasonable opportunity of achieving self-sufficiency
- Commit to an action plan that shows the proposed training leads to suitable employment
How to Apply
- Register for employment services through your Nations Coordinator
- Show that all needs/barriers have been addressed
- Make an action plan showing the training is a suitable step towards self-sufficiency
- Provide a letter of acceptance from the training institution or instructor
- Provide a current resume
- Provide all costs related to training
- Sign a “Release of Information” form
- Provide other documentation relating to training
Interventions Defined for the Indigenous Labour Market Programs (ILMP)
The purpose of this document is to improve data integrity by ensuring that there is consistent interpretation and use of intervention types. The examples provided in this document include many, but not all, labour market programs activities that could occur within each intervention type. Under the ILMP, Indigenous agreement holders are encouraged to continue to design and deliver labour market programs that best meet the needs of their communities.
“The definition of an Intervention: An action plan activity, within a specific timeframe, developed by a client and a case-manager/counsellor intended to assist a client to improve employability in order to prepare for, obtain, and/or maintain employment.”
Peerless Trout First Nation
Office: 780 869 3985
Whitefish Lake First Nation
Office: 1 866 900 0378
Woodland Cree First Nation
Office: 780 629 3803
Loon River First Nations
Office: 780 649 3883
Lubicon Lake Band
Office: 780 629 2356
Peerless Trout First Nation
Office: 780 869 3985
Whitefish Lake First Nation
Office: 1 866 900 0378
Woodland Cree First Nation
Office: 780 629 3803
Loon River First Nations
Office: 780 649 3883
Lubicon Lake Band
Office: 780 629 2356